How often do you set new financial goals? How often do you achieve them? Most of us aren’t very successful with our goals, even when we have the best intentions and strong willpower.1 Sometimes, that’s because we’re setting unattainable goals. Other times, we’re missing the big picture and setting our goals with blinders on.
Jesse Hernandez |
Teens are adults in training and an important part of your family's financial picture. Help them build good habits so they're ready for the future.
Jesse Hernandez |
How high do you think the Federal Reserve will have to push interest rates to fully tame inflation? Some good news first: inflation is much, much lower than it was last summer. From its 2022 peak, headline inflation has plummeted to 3.2% in July after rising slightly over June's reading. 1 Core inflation (subtracting volatile food and fuel categories) clocked in higher at 4.7% but is still well below its 2022 high. Here's some not-great...